Application tips for perfect use of our hair removal foam

The simple application of our hair removal foam is briefly explained here again:

  • Step 1: Clean and dry

    Hair should be at least 5 mm long for the best result. Clean the affected area thoroughly and dry it completely.

  • Step 2: Apply foam

    Shake the can until it feels liquid. Apply the spray with your head facing upwards and from a distance of about 10-15cm and spray the skin/hair evenly.

  • Step 3: Remove hair

    Allow the foam to work (10-15 minutes). Then remove with a paper towel (e.g. toilet paper) applying pressure against the direction of hair growth.

  • Step 4: Wash thoroughly

    Rinse your skin thoroughly with warm water and enjoy smooth skin.

Please carry out a compatibility test before the first application:
To do this, spray a small amount onto your finger, apply it to the affected area and wait 10 minutes. If no redness develops, you can then use the foam as normal.

Here you will find tips to make your skin incredibly soft


We recommend using Belle Body hair removal once a week to fully achieve the desired effect and slow down hair growth.

  • Remove jewelry to avoid any risk of discoloration.
  • It works best if the hair is at least 5 mm long. It also works with shorter hairs, but with very short stubble, the foam may not be able to work ideally and therefore the hair does not go away and the skin does not feel completely smooth.
  • Shake the can before use to ensure that the ingredients mix, otherwise no hair will be removed. It should sound and feel liquid. If it doesn't, shake it vigorously until it is liquid and the ingredients have mixed. This is especially important if the foam is going to be left standing for a long time or is not being used.
  • Only spray on dry skin. There should be no water drops on it, as these will impair the effect of our foam.
  • Spray onto the area to be depilated with the spray head pointing upwards and leave to work for at least 10 minutes.
  • Test a small area to see if the hair comes off. If so, carry on, otherwise wait a few more minutes.
  • Then remove the hair with a cloth and apply pressure against the direction of hair growth - do not simply wash it off, because that does not work.
  • It doesn't matter how long your hair is. However, if you have very short stubble, it may be impossible to remove it and it will only come off the next time. If you want to be absolutely sure, your hair should be 3-5mm long.
  • If you have a lot of hair, you can spray the corresponding area twice, as this video shows.
    However, in our experience, a single spray is always sufficient.
  • Ensure sufficient ventilation and fresh air in small rooms
  • Our versatile hair removal foam can also be used in the intimate area. But please only allow it to work on the areas to be depilated and, in the case of women, wipe the sensitive mucous membranes with a cosmetic tissue before using it.

Can no longer sprays

If no more foam appears when spraying, hold the bottle upright, shake it gently, wait a moment, then spray again.

Foam does not stick / flies away

  • For larger areas, spray in strips and make sure that you do not use air pressure to spray onto the previous strip, which could potentially cause the previous foam to spray away.
  • If you spray away existing foam there are 2 options:

    1. Spray on some foam and spread it over the area with your hand so that all areas are lightly covered (a very small amount is really enough to spread). Then spray again in strips and the foam should adhere well to the previously spread foam. This video shows exactly how.

    2. Apply the foam to slightly damp skin. Please note that there should be no drops of water on the skin, as these will impair the effect of our foam. However, the foam adheres better to slightly damp skin.

Foam flies everywhere

We recommend a spray distance of 10-15cm from the skin. If the foam lands next to the skin, we recommend that you reduce the spray distance from the skin.

Hair cannot be wiped clean

  • It is important that the entire area is well covered with foam for at least 10 minutes so that the hair really comes off everywhere.
  • The foam can be very foamy. It is important that it comes into contact with the hair and skin everywhere. Therefore, it can help if you gently apply the foam to the skin with your hands after spraying. This way it can really work well everywhere. Then it can work on all hair and hair roots.
    If that doesn't work perfectly, you can first spread the foam completely as shown in this video and then spray it over again - this way, everything is guaranteed to be covered and all hair should be easy to wipe off after the exposure time.
  • We have found that the best way to remove hair is with a paper towel (e.g. toilet paper or Zewa kitchen roll) or an exfoliating glove. Depending on the quality of towels, there is a risk that hair will remain. Alternatively, you can also try a damp washcloth.
  • We recommend that the stubble be at least 5 mm long, but our experience shows that even 2-3 mm long hair can be removed without any problem.

Foam is too liquid, drips

  • Shake the can well before use. It should sound and feel liquid. If it doesn't, shake it harder until it is liquid and the ingredients have mixed. This is especially important if the foam is going to be left standing for a long time or not being used.
  • During application, keep the can upside down, shake it a little, wait a moment and then continue spraying.

If you have followed all of the tips above and our foam still doesn't work for you as it should, please write to us directly here and describe your problem in detail. We will help you immediately!